You have to understand that we somehow got Gracie to school 2 days a week (1/2 hour away), Rav to work, to wrestling practice, back to work, home, then me to school and so on (until 2 weeks ago) with one car. Yes. You heard me correctly. One.Car. It was a constant juggling act. And as much as I am happy that Rav is happy with coaching, it's nice to see the loooooong season come to a close. I digress though.
The kids are each coming down with a lovely dose of green snot, mixed with raspy breathing, coughing and fevers. And of course this decides to blow up into a full-blown deal when Rav has flown the coop.
At approximately 7:15, I was awoken to the sounds of their deep breathing. Followed by the occasional snort and raspy exhale.
Morning routines being what they are, I felt the need to expel some built up gas. Which sounded something like this:
Then Gracie in her sleep-induced state followed with a:
Connor added the crescendo to this little symphony with a rolling, undulating, vibrating:
Their father would be so proud.
What struck me as funny is that I was the only one awake. They did this, seemingly as if on cue. Like it was a game. I was waiting for them to giggle after each of them sang their morning songs. But nope.
Asleep. Dead asleep.
Aaaaah. Nothing like the smell of pent up gas in the morning.
3 ripples in the pond:
You know a post like this reads as if it were written ONLY FOR ME!!! Heh. I love the farting.
You know....I had you in mind the Whole time. Seriously. I knew you would enjoy it.
I would have cracked up and woken everybody up! A first-thing-in-the-morning fart is always a sure sign of a happy morning!
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