
The News


I am oh-so-tired.
I stayed up late last night in the attempt to write a paper that is due today.
If staying up late had produced the completed paper, I'd be alright. Because well, the mission is over.
But no, here I am dead tired with no paper in hand. In fact, not even really started.
I have to attempt to write this paper today before 12:30?!?! All while caring for two wild & crazy kids.

So, if I don't have much to say today, that's why.

Oh, and I'm still pissed off at blogger. I wrote a post yesterday - not a blurb, a post - only to have it eaten by the blogger goblins as soon as I hit "Publish". I got some crazy blogger error message saying that my request could not be granted, a bunch of technical garble, and no damn post. So, I'm still a little ragin' over that.

This afternoon, we are heading to Connor's school for an awards assembly where he will be receiving an actual award for good behavior (the same award that, at the beginning of the year, I said he would never get because even though he is sweet & caring, he has impulse issues that would keep him from getting this). But we have been basking in his little glory this week. Because our ADHD little boy pulled himself together enough - for one month, anyway - to receive the award.
He's so proud. He's so happy. And he should be. And we are too, right there with him.

Anyway, that's what I've got going on today, so it's not looking too good.

I'll probably be MIA this weekend too.
Except for Sunday, of course.

'Til then....

***When I said I mumbled that Connor would never get the award, I didn't say it to him. I said it to a friend of mine who has a son with ADD, who is similar in personality to Connor. She was reflecting on how she always hated 'Star of the Month' and crap that like because no matter how 'good' ADD/ADHD kids are & try to be, they have behaviors out of their control that always seem to keep them from these types of things. To which I added that there was a similar program at Connor's school & it breaks my heart because I know he'll never get it. ***

2 ripples in the pond:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Connor. Katie got an award once at her school, for friendliest student. Good luck with the paper.

Girlplustwo said...

sweet congrats to conner and his mum.

victories all around.