
Feels Like Home

This is Alex and Liz. They are dear, dear friend's of ours. Alex is from Delaware. Liz is from Liverpool, UK. They met here in the U.S. while working at a sleep-away summer camp in CT. They dated, long-distance. Had some good times. Had some great times. Had bumpy times. But love prevailed. Alex moved to the UK and they were wed in July 2005. We couldn't be happier for them, but miss them terribly! They are so wonderful to our kids & are just simply put, wonderful friends. I was ecstatic when I learned through an IM conversation that our lovelies are coming home for Christmas. It will be a rather short visit. But we'll actually get to see them, nonetheless. We're thrilled.
So, in a few short weeks, I'm sure we'll be drinking it up & reveling in all things Alex & Liz. I'm sure Al has some great tales to tell.
As an aside - you may have to 'talk amongst yourselves' for a few days. I'm totally stressed & bogged down with regular life, research and writing papers. So, go ahead. Talk amongst yourselves. I'll give you a topic: "Equal Rights Amendment" & why it wasn't ratified. I'd be interested in your view/opinion or knowledge.
Oh, and YAY for Alex and Liz!!

6 ripples in the pond:

Hev said...

I hope you have as much time catching up with your friends as I did with mine!

I understand completely about talking amongst ourselves! Life really seems to be manic at the moment.

Go off and do your thing & come back to us when you're ready!!!

Girlplustwo said...

hang in there, sister. do your thing..we'll be here.

i so love getting to see good friends..lucky you.

Girlplustwo said...

re your comment my way - click on the word "here" in the post. let me know what you think.

Jon said...

Equal Rights Amendment, eh? In the early days many say Eleanor Roosevelt and others opposed it and prevented its passage because it would have prevented Congress and the states from passing special protective legislation that many thought women workers needed, while by more recent days most of the work equality related statues of the ERA were covered by Title VII of the 1972 Civil Rights Act, so why create a separate law, and thereby put more power into the hands of the Federal Government. Many suggest the question isn’t, ‘Why wasn’t the ERA ratified’, rather, ‘why do we need another law?’ Especially a law that extremist opponents say could be used to require the integration of same-sex schools, sports teams, and even restrooms? And should women be required to register for the draft? Many would say 'no' - existing laws and societal trends are swinging the pendulum of change and equality on their own, and no further laws are necessary.

Few will go so far as to call the ERA a fad, but popular support for the amendment was certainly unstable, and definitely declined over time. Few even recognize the proposed amendment now. Perhaps the failure of the ERA to be ratified is a testimony to a constitutional system, designed to check passion in the interests of moderation, working exactly as the Framers intended.

(Bolce, De Maio, & Muzzio 1987; Susan Lehrer 1987; Wikipedia)

Steven said...

I reveled in all thing Alex and Liz once...

It was sort of slimey. ;)


Tabba said...

Steve - HA! I would imagine so!