
I'm all dried up........

This is what Tabitha said to me this morning, just before she asked me to post a "guest spot". I told her that I wouldn't know what to say, that I couldn't do it. But here I am, typing away. I probably shouldn't be writing anything, as I usually get myself into trouble when I open my mouth. Apparently I'm just not happy if my foot is not in my mouth. Speaking of feet, I'm not sure if Tab ever mentioned how we first met, so i will. We were working at a summer camp together. It was her first summer as a counselor and it was my 4th, I think. I must mention that from the moment I saw Tabitha I was totally smitten. She will tell you that I was a totally cocky a-hole and that she hated me from the start. I won't argue with sometimes being cocky, but I know she wanted me from the get go too. We were doing staff training, some game where everyone had to move across an area with only 2 people touching the ground at the same time or something like that. Being that it was my 4th summer, and I was in a quasi-supervisory position, I began to dictate how I thought we could, as a team of course, solve the problem (you can see why she would call me a cocky a-hole). I volunteered to be one of the two people touching the ground in the marked area. Everyone else was walking across our feet to get to the other side. I believe that it was my idea to do so, although I must admit that I'm not totally sure anymore. As I said, I was at this point completely bewildered by Tabitha's beauty and personality and had been trying to work up the courage to speak to her all during our training. As she was coming across my feet, I though it was the perfect opportunity. I struggled to quickly think of something to say. As she stepped onto my foot, I noticed she was wearing the same sneakers as I was. Weird, I thought, that she would be wearing men's shoes. But here was my chance and I wasn't going to waste it. Mustering up all the courage I could, I opened my mouth to say how beautiful she was, how amazing I thought she was, and out it came, "nice shoes".

3 ripples in the pond:

Anonymous said...

That'sa nice. You knew you were sole-mates from the very beginning.

Pippajo said...

I think one of the first things The Viking ever said to me was, "Cool hat." That has to mean something!

Tabba said...

My man is a smooth talka. I was blown away by his 'game'.
And for the record, I didn't hate you. I just thought you were cocky, arrogant & came off as a bit of an a-hole.
I was wrong about the a-hole part. HAHAHAHA!