
It's Been A Quiet Week In Lake Wobegon...

Not much to report this week. I realized last night, while trying to close my mind down from any thought while trying to fall asleep, that I need a little Garrison Keillor action. I need to hear what's going on down at the Sidetrack Tap. I need to drift mindlessly through the town of Lake Wobegon via Garrison Keillor's velvety voice. It would do me some good to listen to the gossip of a simple, fictitous town. Where the women are strong, the men are good looking and the children are...above average.

2 ripples in the pond:

Anonymous said...

i have to admit, i didn't know much about garrison k. i googled him and i love this quote (which obviously applies to the perfect man as well!):

"The perfect woman is the woman who you love to converse with and who you want to tell everything to. The moment you have a big experience, you want her there to listen to your account of it. Her take on things fascinates you, her talk is pleasurable to you, and you love her company. That's what you want in a companion."

Tabba said...

If you've never listened to his Prairie Home Companion on NPR or listened to just his Lake Wobegon stuff, you gotta check it out. He's so great at spinning simple stories filled with dry humor. If that's your sort of thing, anyway.