
You Fondle My Trigger, Then You Blame My Gun

You know, I am just so tired of trying to keep the peace, keeping my mouth shut (against my better judgement) when you mess with my kids. You can say whatever you want about me, I don't really care. Don't mess with my kids. Also, don't be surprised, when you do mess with my kids, that I unleash my guns. You back me into a corner & you're surprised when I fight?? And then after many of your cruelties, I've kept my mouth shut & I finally go off & I'm the bitch, the asshole, the loose cannon? Yeah, sure. No problem. If that means that my kids are spared your sickness, I'll wear all of those hats and more.

I just get sick of people pushing and pushing. I keep taking it & taking it. And at last, when I've had my share, I decide to take a stand & ka-boom. And everone stands there with a deer in headlights look. You weren't expecting it? Oh no? I'm so sorry. HOW MUCH MORE DO YOU WANT ME TO TAKE?????

Aaaaaah, that feels better. Demon purged. I repeat, demon purged. For now, anyway.

8 ripples in the pond:

Anonymous said...

Dear Tabba,

It has recently come to our attention through your blog that we've been bitchy to you. Allow us to apologize, but you see we're f*cking retarded bastards, and have no ability to either listen to another human being, or react reasonably to any situation. It seems that you've been getting the brunt of our almost unfathomable stupidity more than a little lately, and so we just wanted to take this opportunity to apologize. It's hard work for us to be colossal assholes all the time, but we try to spread ourselves around more generally, so as to effect the maximum irritation of society. In this effort we've failed lately, as evidenced by your being shat upon more than is fairly your due. We shall attempt to remedy that. Existing in a perpetual state of moronic bliss, we sometimes make mistakes, so just allow us to say for all the pains in the ass lately, "Our bad".

Very sincerely yours,
The World at Large

Anonymous said...
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Tabba said...
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Anonymous said...

patience is a two way street, my friend. This is learned with life's lessons if you want to learn them. if you always spew negativity then that is what you will get. Although it may feel like it, the world is not against you. You are not a victim unless you make yourself one.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You know, I once thought that a BLOG was a place where you could say whatever you wanted to. I thought that you could vent, or share, or do nothing with it. However, I guess that is not true. Some people use blogs one way, others may use them completely differently. I see that someone talks about patience and negativity, and I don't believe Mrs. Incredible was speaking about patience or negativity at all. I believe that she was simply saying that if you are an asshole, expect to be told so. But, don't be upset that you were told you were an asshole, becasue you are one.

Tabba said...

HAHAHAHAHAHA! These comments are too funny.

Tabba said...

By the way, I am not the victim and don't pretend to be. Innocent children are the victims regarding my rant. And that, anonymous, I can't handle. Be them my children or otherwise. Treating children badly, so that you can feel better about yourself or your situation is sick.
So, my friend, thanks for the 'life lesson', look in a mirror, and walk a mile in my shoes.